You read my book review (you didn't? Read it now!)
You already pre-ordered the book (oh, come on... you're killin' me here)
You've visited her new website (just go...)
And now, the event you've been waiting for -- the epic book trailer for STRUCK.
Tell me that isn't brilliant. I am blown away by the book trailer. They should have just filmed the rest of the book and they would have had the movie released at the same time! Her husband Ryan Bosworth is the director. Yes, he's a badass.
Two guesses.
Hmm, no. I am not the prophet, the creepy dude with cataract eyes.
One more...
Okay, I'll help you. I'm the dude at the far left of the screen at the 00:33 second mark.

Still can't see it? Here it is.
Okay fine. So you can barely see me... but I really was there. And I really was epic.
I tell you what, go to Jennifer Bosworth's Facebook and "friend" her. You will find dozens of pictures from the shoot.
Here's one. Yes, that's me on the far right.
You will also find that she's one of the nicest people you'll come across. Which explains why she writes about the end of the world, or writes screenplays about murderous psychopaths. Word to the wise: be nice to her. You may end up in one of her books!
Okay, this concludes Ara's one second of fame. The good news is that I still have a whole 14 minutes and 59 seconds left. My services can be hired for a nominal fee.
Fight the good fight!