Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Times Have Changed

When I was your age...

Okay, maybe I sound like a grandpa, but it's true. Times have changed... for writers and readers that is.

In the past, a book would come out with enthusiasm and hit the shelves. Maybe it would do well, maybe not so well, but eventually the book would disappear from the bookstore. And unless you were a big name, the book would be lost only to be found in a discount bin at a used book store.

Now, fans can find you at any time. You can play with promotion strategies and get the book back in front of people. 

Today, we started a price promotion around the US Open, tennis's fourth Grand Slam of the year. 

99 cents for 5 years of work... seems fair!
Last night, on Amazon's overall ranking, the book was sitting at 600,000. Within hours of running the promotion, the book was ranking at 15,000 overall. At one pointGAME OF LOVE was back in the top 500 in the Sports fiction category. 

Here's the thing: almost 18 months after GAME OF LOVE came out, we can still get the book in front of new readers and sell well. It is a great time to be a writer and a reader. Books no longer disappear. They remain, they have lasting power because the story is a good one.

Wouldn't it be nice if a good book could hit the top 100 list for years and years to come by merely promoting it? A novel concept... no pun intended :)

Thank you for supporting this little novel that didn't have enough sex for the big publishers. 

Thank you for supporting this author who was too much of a risk for the other publishers. 

Thank you for reviewing it on Amazon and Goodreads because readers who would not know me otherwise continue to find this little book. 

And thank you for sending me notes and emails about how much you enjoyed it. You are the fuel I need to keep at it.

Fight the good fight!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Winner Announcement!
...and Rafflecopter Giveaway!

I am elated to announce that my novel, GAME OF LOVE, is the winner of Outstanding “Romance” in the 2016 IAN Book of the Year awards.

It took five years to publish this novel. Five years of doubt, rewrites, rejections, edits, giving up, giving in, and finally finding the team that put Gemma and Andre's story out into the world. 

Since then, the book has won multiple awards. I am honored and humbled. Thank you for the support and encouragement. Thank you for spreading the word. It seems that you've been right to believe in this book. You are in good company :)

Fight the good fight!

To celebrate, I'm giving away (5) Free Kindle copies of the novel. Please spread the word!

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