Friday, August 12, 2011

What I've Learned About Myself

Here are some things that you should know about me:
    A black pearl and a shell
  • I have a high threshold for pain… although I will complain for effect
  • I have a low threshold for disingenuous people
  • I am not impressed easily… neither by myself nor others
  • I am impressed by ordinary people who do extraordinary things on a daily basis and don’t realize it nor expect recognition for it
  • I don’t react well to loud voices nor finger pointers… I put the volume down on the receiving end
  • I stand for making a difference for others… every day of my life
  • With integrity and courage I can face anything in life
  • And finally... Extraordinary changes occur when one sand is trapped in the oyster… the irritant that causes a tipping point
We all need that spec of sand in our lives. The one thing that caused us to do what we always knew we had within us but were afraid or unwilling to chase.

I leave you with a quote:
“To thine onself be true…” ~ Polinius - Hamlet, Shakespeare

This roughly translates to “Be true to yourself” 

I am very comfortable in my skin… maybe to a fault…  I hope you are too. Nothing worse than going through life being someone else.

I am a writer. I have stories to tell. 

Who are you?

Fight the good fight!


  1. Nice! You have a way with words, sir. I especially liked this, "We all need that spec of sand in our lives. The one thing that caused us to do what we always knew we had within us but were afraid or unwilling to chase."

  2. Thanks, Gwen. As always, you are way too kind. However, I will print this out and put it on my fridge to share with the family :)


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