Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 13: NaNoWriMo 2012

Lucky 13? Maybe...

Yesterday should have been one of those days that if I got in a thousand words, I would have been happy.

My wife was to come home late, so I had to deal with my little monkeys. Homework, get them to bathe, prepare dinner, and assure that they don't dismember each other in the span of the night.

With the potential outcome of the future already pre-determined, I had given up on real productivity. But something happened.

The kids were on the ball with their homework. They bathed and changed at the speed of light. Dinner was a hit. We were done by just past 6 PM. They were fed, clean, and in their PJs.

I popped in a DVD in the home office (Shorts, a Robert Rodriguez movie). So as they watched, I wrote. And wrote. Took a couple of small breaks to make pop corn, but I kept on writing and the words kept rolling out.

 By 11 PM, my head spinning, I posted this on Facebook...

Day 13's total: 7,944
Overall: 38,459

So maybe I was off on my math, but as you can see, not a bad night given that I had assumed the day would be a total loss.

You never know when you'll have these types of days. I could have written it off. But I chose to try. I chose to write.

Fight the good fight!


  1. SWEET!!!!

    Go Ara... that is awesome - and that's speaking from one who knows :)

    What was the name of that DVD and how many copies can I buy :)

    1. Thank you, Awesome-one! I have to finish this thing. I'm expecting a certain someone to send me a certain manuscript for some beta reading :)

  2. Okay, now you're making me nauseated. ;-) No really, 8K is amazing. I don't think my best day has ever been more than 4K. You rock.

    1. :) Unfortunately, there's no accounting for quality of said words. It's good to know that I bring that type of energy though. Like knowing you can run the marathon if you really really had to. You may vomit at the finish line, but you can pass the finish line no less. Thanks for all the encouragement!


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